Thursday 5 March 2015

Jack Daniels Bottle Ombre Glitter DIY Decorate Makeover

Jack Daniels plastic money box bottle makeover

We bought a Jack Daniels plastic money box bottle (from ebay) and gave it a DIY ombre glitter makeover using Plaid Mod Podge glue and Ranger Stickles dry glitter.

Mod Podge and Stickles are available wholesale in the UK from Country Love Crafts.

Click here for Stickles Dry Glitter.
Click here for Mod Podge Glue


  1. Start from the bottom of the bottle.
  2. Apply glue.
  3. Sprinkle with glitter (we used a sheet of folded A3 to catch the lose glitter and poured it back in the pot after each dusting).
  4. When it is time to change glitter colour, overlap glue application.
  5. Sprinkle with lighter colour glitter.
  6. Complete steps 4-5 until item is fully covered in glitter.
  7. Once dry add a few coats of Mod Podge to seal the glitter in place (although we did notice that the glitter was less sparkly after).
Happy decorating!

1 comment:

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